To the Editor,
Re: Colliery dam investigation ends in May, April 1.
I am now even more fuming especially when $1.8 million of taxpayer dollars in Nanaimo is yet again being squandered, and for what? A century-old dam that is continuing to stand the tests of time, but yet for some very mysterious reason, the powers at large regard the ultimate removal of the Colliery dams as being the top priority. They are actually willing to spend excessive amounts of tax dollars and use spin doctors to prove their so-called legitimate case for it.
It does not have to take one of the greatest TV or film investigators to solve this particular intriguing case, just Mike Holmes. He would most definitely recommend a lot of changes.
Unless the powers at large get their collective acts together and stop the continuing leaks of tax dollars for Nanaimo’s dam, it will run dry, which will not be a fun time for everybody.
Al MunroNanaimo