Deep gratitude for our health care system

Reading Elly Rhoades’ letter about her nine-day stay at the Abbotsford Hospital ...

Re: Letter, “Hospital built too small.”

Reading Elly Rhoades’ letter about her nine-day stay at the Abbotsford Hospital proved that the emergency staff at the hospital bent over backwards to supply her medical needs.

Yes, Elly recieved the best of care, free of charge.

Although I fully sympathize with Rhoades’ obvious difficult health issues, I do question her statement, “When is health care going to be more important than profit?…why don’t politicians tighten their belts to take a pay cut?”

I ask Elly, do you ever stop to wonder just how long the medical system can afford to give us all  hospital, medical and prescription benefits  near free of charge?

Across the line, I kid you not, a family of four, relatives of ours,  must pay $800 each month to receive far less health care benefits than you and I receive on regular basis for next to nothing?

I cannot help but wonder how absolutely spoiled rotten Canadians have become, and still continue to demand more and more freebies all the time.

When I stop to think just how much we ourselves have saved on medical care, hospital stay and prescription benefits, I hang my head in shame.

Yet, there are so many who truly do appreciate  the wonderful care received.

Ever talked to cancer patients beaming about the loving care given at the cancer ward right here in Abbotsford?

Yes, Elly, I do believe that it behooves each of us to show our deepest gratitude to all our hospital staff.

And let’s not forget our government officials who see to it that all these benefits are paid for.

Complain? How dare we!

It is far more fitting to show our deep gratitude to the medical staff, our government, our police and fire officers who put their lives on the line to keep us all safe.

Yes, Elly, when you really stop to think about it all, there’s just no end to all the care given by all of the above for providing us with the services mostly free of charge.

How our neighbours across the line would wish the same.

I wish you a most blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.

Gertie Pool

Abbotsford News