Deer distract community away from real issues

Money spent on ad opposing deer cull could have been used to feed the needy

I was disappointed to see DeerSafe Victoria’s rather graphic ad in your Feb 20 edition.

My seven-year-old saw the ad first (he likes to keep up on the news), and I had to tell him yes, that appears to be a dead deer in the back of that truck. In discussing this picture with my son, I came to the realization that only in Vancouver Island’s most affluent community could we “afford” to have this debate.

As a social worker in the downtown core I am saddened that the deer issue has had such a spotlight for so long when there are real social issues in our community.

I don’t enjoy the deer in my yard, but I really don’t like seeing money and time spent on this issue any longer.

DeerSafe Victoria, you appear to have some money and time. What if you donated what this ad cost to Our Place or The Sandy Merriman House? What if your protest signs alerted us to the issue of elder abuse or domestic violence instead? Now those are some real issues to give your attention to.

Krista Henry

Oak Bay


Oak Bay News