Deer problem common sense

Re: Nothing humane about deer cull, Letters, Feb. 3; Deer cull humane thing to do in urban area, Letters, Jan. 27, 2012.

Re: Nothing humane about deer cull, Letters, Feb. 3; Deer cull humane thing to do in urban area, Letters, Jan. 27, 2012.

I have to agree with Dale Lovell. Catherine Culley’s letter is nothing, but common sense.  Let’s throw common sense to the wind folks. Who is with me?

Would it not be amazing to see cougars roaming free in Victoria.

No shooting or relocation in our fair town.

They were here first after all, just like the deer. Yes, some cats and dogs will go missing. Possibly a few children. Maybe even a few adults.

But don’t worry, we will adapt. And we can hold up our collective heads and say that we are a humane community living as one with nature.

OK, who I am trying to kid.  Mark me as a yes for “common sense” culling of the deer herd.

I would rather my kids walk safe in this town than put them at risk to both cougars and deer.

Todd Stewart

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