Defeat of pro rep a message to extremist liberal progressives

Defeat of pro rep a message to extremist liberal progressives

Public perception does not always jive with reality.

Defeat of pro rep a message to extremist liberal progressives

The defeat of the proportional representation side in the recent referendum, an event which marks the third time pro rep has been rejected, illustrates an important point we should all be aware of: public perception does not always jive with reality.

Like most other British Columbians, I expected the pro rep side to win. Based on signage, media support and the general mood of the province, I was fully prepared to see FPTP lose, a result I knew I would not be happy about. What a surprise to see the exact opposite result occur.

What does this tell us? It tells us that the people of B.C. are fed up with needless complexity, ideological rhetoric, and strident, guilt ridden, talk being shoved at them day and night. They recognized pro rep as a system that would freeze government and make it less effective, and would only serve the needs of the progressive left and its supporters.

This event may also mark something much bigger. For decades now left leaning media, pop culture icons and liberal politicians have steadily dominated our culture. Now, it appears that a hand has been raised in protest, and a call for sanity has gone out.

This may seem to some like an unimportant, isolated political incident, but indicates something much more important. Around the world people are demanding more from their leaders than knee jerk allegiance to extremist liberal progressive policies that make no sense. They are tired of it all.

The people of B.C. spoke, and their message was clear; “Give us good government and rational institutions. The rest is up to us to decide. We don’t need your ideologically biased attempts to change our lives and our society. If it’s not broke don’t try to fix it. ” Kudos to my fellow citizens.

Perry Foster


Cowichan Valley Citizen