Dentist visits

Low-income dental clinic a welcome addition, but dental care should be covered under medical

What a welcome it is to get a dental clinic for low-income families and single people on a fixed income.

I was lucky this time. In the past, I have had bad experiences in dental offices and being on disability made it that much harder.

Disability only covers 70 per cent. I don’t know of anyone on a fixed or low income that can come up with the extra 30 per cent.

Dental care should be covered under our medical. I just want to tell people not to give up because there are dentists out there that will help. I’m not a religious man, but I feel like two angels were sent down to save my life.

Never have I felt so comfortable and relaxed as I have with Dr. Elwood Astleford and CDA Susan Roth. I was nervous at first, but was totally relaxed after my first visit. With their help and love for caring, I was given a new smile. But most of all , I feel I was given a second chance for a new life.

So don’t hesitate when it comes to dental care. It could be the difference between life or death.


Keith Wambolt, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star