Deserve contract

Parent concerned about proposed changes to education with Bill 22 and BCED plan

As a parent, I am concerned about the proposed changes to the education system (Bill 22 and pending BCED plan).

Despite available funding, many students in the public education system do not receive the same basic advantages as students in the private school system as available funding is mismanaged.

This is of particular concern as students in both the private school system and the public system receive equal government funding per student each year. Every child deserves access to the best education possible and not every parent can afford to send their child to private school. We pay taxes specifically for the education system to ensure the future of our children.

Many schools in small communities are being closed, forcing children to spend unnecessary time busing to a larger school. Children are being schooled out of their home areas, further detracting from a sense of community.

I feel it is very important for both class sizes and the number of special needs students to be limited in each class. Paying teachers to exceed previously negotiated class limits is unfair to both students and teachers. It puts unnecessary stress on teachers while decreasing the attention  each individual student receives.

There are many issues at stake in the public education system :

number of students per class

number of special need students per class

financial incentives to encourage teachers to take on larger classes

loss of seniority

loss of job security

available funding not being spent on students

closure of schools in small communities

Despite media highlighting wage increases, this is not about a pay increase for teachers – it is about much more.

Teachers play an important role in the future of our children. I feel our children deserve the best education possible, and accordingly B.C. teachers also deserve a good, secure contract and respectful working conditions.


Susan Easthope, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star