Development not without risk

Congratulations to legislative columnist Tom Fletcher

Congratulations to legislative columnist Tom Fletcher for putting some meat on the bones of the criticism we have heard about the degree of U.S. funding received by Canadian environmental groups (“Is gas the enviro-villain of 2013”).

It is important to distinguish between legitimate questions about the environmental impact of proposed energy projects and propaganda campaigns run by large organizations whose real purpose is to block any and all such projects.

Fletcher is right that Canada needs to make energy development decisions that put Canadian interests first.

Of course we have an obligation to look out for the health of the world around us, especially here in Beautiful British Columbia. But we must also be realistic that no development is without risk.

It is simply not reasonable for any responsible government to refuse to consider energy projects that will create thousands of direct and indirect jobs and earn royalties and equalization payments in the billions of dollars.

We need the revenue to support health care, education and the many other programs we expect government to provide.

Dave Laundy

Brentwood Bay


Peninsula News Review