‘Dissidents’ still waiting


The leader of the BC Conservative continues to tell media the matter of the party-versus-dissidents has been settled.


John Cummins, leader of the BC Conservative Party continues to tell the media that the matter of the party-versus-dissidents – a phrase he coined – has been settled.

On Dec. 6, Cummins, Ian Pyper and two other dignitaries met and drafted a letter upon the instructions of Cummins.

Said letter of reconciliation was to be presented to the board of directors of the BC Conservative Party. At time of writing, we are still waiting to be informed of the board’s reaction to this important document.

Is there something Cummins is not telling us and the public? To the best of our knowledge, we have not been reinstated as members nor have we received an apology.

So as far as we, the so-called dissidents are concerned, our day in court stands.

Allison Patton, Surrey

Ariane Eckardt, Burnaby

John Crocock, Burnaby



Peace Arch News