Do you enjoy a particular tradition in your household for Christmas or other celebrations over the holiday season?

Do you enjoy a particular tradition in your household for Christmas or other celebrations over the holiday season?

100 Mile Free Press took to the streets to ask community members what they think

“We are a longtime Cariboo family, and I always have a tradition for my dad. His birthday was on Dec. 21, so I always put a tree up on that day, to remind me of him. For the last two years, they have been palms trees.”

-Patti Harper

Watson Lake

“Yes. It’s tough, even as a Canadian for 40 years, to find a Christmas goose. We are happy to cook one if we can. We got the last one in the freezer from the store this year.”

-Eberhard Mussfeld


“Just the traditional turkey dinner and gifts on Christmas Day, and maybe we will go for a walk with the family. We are new in this community.”

-Rhonda Empey

Lac la Hache

“We normally will play games throughout the whole season with the family.”

-Lee Newsome

100 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press