Do you support the provincial government's proposal to cut hunting mule deer bucks to one per year in this and many other BC Interior regions?

Do you support the provincial government’s proposal to cut hunting mule deer bucks to one per year in this and many other BC Interior regions?

100 Mile Free Press took to the streets to ask community members what they think


“I would have to look into it first in order to answer that question.”

– Ken Carter

Green Lake


“I hate to agree with politicians, but I hunted hard this past season, and saw very few bucks, mostly does. I’d really like to see them close the moose hunt off in the Southern half on B.C. I am not sure about the North.”

– Ken Weibe

108 Mile Ranch


“I think they should open up more does for hunting, limited entries or whatever, and cut back on four-point bucks. All the other bucks could be open most of the year.”

– Pat Dunn

Watch Lake


“No, I don’t agree. Especially in this area where hunting keeps a lot of us going and we have lots of mule deer here.”

– Billie McConnell

70 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press