Dog eat dog issue

In response to Barry Warren’s letter to editor as sarcastic as you like to be to eliminate every agitation imaginable

In response to Barry Warren’s letter to editor, More things to ban on Baker Street, as sarcastic as you like to be to eliminate every agitation imaginable; let’s get real and pull up the socks.

You would say dogs on leash is okay and the bylaw officers to get the tickets ready for offenders on Baker Street. Perhaps the taxes/parking tickets will go up then. Maybe the city council should make Baker Street a park. Maybe there should only be golf carts allowed on Baker Street. However, as of December 27, 2011, CBC Radio News reported that the City of Nelson will not reconsider their standing on the doggie by-law.

The other issue addressed should be of the driving offenders who cut off every pedestrian crossing the street in their hurry to go nowhere fast. I have my pen in hand to write down all the licence plates of those offenders to hand into the Nelson police. I am tired of being a defensive pedestrian who would like to keep my legs in place.

Jana Harmon



Nelson Star