Don’t kowtow to basement dwellers

In Clayton, I have grown children who drive, and they must park on the back road.

Once again, I have returned to my home in the vastly overpopulated subdivision in Clayton to find yet another petition to allow parking on both sides of the street.

I’m sick of this. I bought a house with no basement suite, and no carriage house. I have grown children who drive and they must park on the back road.

The city allowed the building of all these multi-family homes but did nothing to ensure that the infrastructure was sufficient for this weak-minded endeavour. I have suggested a couple of ideas to the engineering department but obviously I’m not smart enough to put forth any ideas (I bought in Clayton, after all).

The roads in and around the subdivisions should all be one way with angled parking on one side. This would make room for many more vehicles and safety for everyone else.

I come at this problem from a professional viewpoint as well. I drive a fire truck down these very roads. Tight is an understatement. Garbage and disposal trucks have the same problems.

Surrey, don’t allow parking on both sides of my street. Come for a visit. See what I am saying and foremost, don’t kowtow to the carriage and basement dwellers of the area.


Brent Eddy

Surrey Now Leader