
Duncan doesn’t need a transportation study

Better use of that money would be to commit to helping get the E&N Railway corridor up and running

Duncan doesn’t need a transportation study

Mayor and council:

I am very concerned about the latest decision to spend nearly $200,000 on what is purported to be a transportation study. Why would you even consider something of this nature particularly during this time of needed fiscal restraint and the fact that some basic infrastructure is in bad shape? If any funds should be spent it should go to the basic infrastructure. Things such as roads, sidewalks, water, sewer etc. The items that make the community run and need to be kept up. Trying to follow North Cowichan is an exercise in foolishness. Makes zero fiscal sense.

A transportation study, really, for a one square mile community? A far better use of that money would be to commit it to helping get the E&N Railway corridor up and running which would be addressing all things that matter. Cars and trucks off our highways, less air pollution, job creation and many more worthwhile efforts. But NOT a transportation study.

Council and administration is responsible for management of funds that are not yours personally, but have been taken from the pockets of hard working, tax paying citizens of the community.

Jack Peake


Cowichan Valley Citizen