Earth Day “eat no meat” article offends local meat producer

To the editor;

After reading the Earth Day supplement in the Star/Journal newspaper of April 18, 2011, I had to wonder if anyone that runs our local paper had read it.  I was offended by the “eat no meat” article, and am pretty sure a lot of producers in the valley felt the same.

If “don’t eat meat” for Earth Day was meant to alienate ranchers and farmers in the valley – good job.  But, if it was to inform the public – poor job.

Our cattle go to range for 150 days where the calves gain approximately 300 pounds, yearlings will gain approximately two-and-a-quarter pounds per day on forage that no vegetarian or vegan could survive on.

Native Americans had a meat based diet; apparently they were in direct conflict with nature.

The highest priced commercial grain is used in the production of alcohol, the mash residue is excellent livestock feed.

There are tens of thousands of acres of grain every year that is damaged by frost, rain or other weather.  This is used to feed livestock.  Ethanol is produced from grain, the leftover mash is fed to livestock.

Grain for human consumption is put through a screening process to remove weeds and seeds which are then cooked and processed into livestock feed.  This turns a waste product into a product fit for human consumption.

In closing – for Earth Day, I would suggest eating meat, grass-fed, locally produced right here in this valley.  It is by far more environmentally friendly.

Cindy Stutt


*Editor’s note; The Earth Day supplement was not created in the editorial department of this newspaper, however we do accept responsibility for publication of the article in question, and apologize for any offence it may have caused some readers. That said though, we must also recognize the fact that vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters are all a part of today’s society.



Barriere Star Journal