EDITORIAL: Caring comes through again

North Okanagan residents help Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation raise $7 million

Shortly after the opening of the new Polson Tower at Vernon Jubilee Hospital comes the wonderful announcement that the Building a Tower of Care Campaign is wrapping up successfully.

Three years and $7 million later the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation and its campaign team should be congratulated for taking on and successfully completing such an ambitious project.

“With the opening of the tower, Vernon Jubilee Hospital has embarked on a new course of health care,” said campaign co-chair Joanne Kineshanko. She goes on to say that thanks to the community’s donations the $180-million facility boasts state-of-the-art equipment for a new era of medical care in the region that we can all take pride in.

And when we use the term community it needs to be noted that includes the entire North Okanagan as individuals and groups from Enderby to Armstrong to Falkland to Lumby, and everywhere in between, contributed greatly in time and money to ensure “our hospital” and the new tower were properly outfitted.

A $7-million goal, and the largest fundraising effort in North Okanagan history, must have seemed almost surreal back in late 2007 but now that the tower and its life-saving equipment is a reality it’s only fitting to take a moment to say congratulations.

The foundation, the campaign team and the entire North Okanagan population can feel good about this amazing accomplishment that bodes well for the future of our community on so many levels.

—The Morning Star


Vernon Morning Star