Enbridge: Sponsorship versus integrity

I am finally writing this letter after thinking about things for a long while.

Dear sir,

I am finally writing this letter after thinking about things for a long while.

The events that have been taking place recently in the northwest are actually very shocking.

It reminds me a lot of a bar scene, where a sleazy guy spends the whole evening  plying some girl with drinks, expecting he’s going to get lucky with her.

Is she then obligated to go and spend the night with him?

Now that we have that unpleasant image in our minds, how does this differ from Enbridge offering what seems like unlimited amounts of money to the many different organizations and these organizations are accepting it.

Who is in the wrong, Enbridge for offering or the many different organizations for accepting?

Are we, as northwest citizens, obligated then to accept Enbridge’s oil pipelines coming through our beautiful BC?

I would hope people who love our wilderness and want to keep it this way would refuse this money.

Next time there is an event in the northwest, check the posters and I’m sure you’ll see the name Enbridge as one of the sponsors. They aren’t doing this out of the goodness of their heart.

I know it’s hard to refuse money, but shouldn’t we have some sort of integrity?


Kathy Ouwehand,




Kitimat Northern Sentinel