Encourage small local business for goods

The current myth that giving large corporations free access to our natural resources will produce jobs is out of touch with reality.


The current myth that giving large corporations free access to our natural resources will produce jobs and a reasonable distribution of wealth is out of touch with reality.

The paradigm for operating our economy to provide goods, services, and jobs has become brutally distorted.

Over many years it has become monopolized by large corporations who mainly serve themselves and their goal of profit at any price.

Free enterprise is only practiced by small community businesses, and many of them operate under a burden of regulations, inflicted on them by our bought-out layers of government.

But our electoral system has become manipulated by dirty tricks and the power of money to a point bordering on fascism rather than democracy.

Many people have lost hope that our society will again be managed in the interests of the majority of citizens.

Are we “being served” by big business and government in the old sense of that term? I think not.

I believe the only solution in a reasonably short term is a grassroots revolt against buying from these giant money grabbing companies, and preventing their further growth in any way we can.

Plus we need to encourage small local business dedicated to the community, and co-operative businesses for the larger and more complex goods and services.

A paradigm similar to the Transition Town movement in co-ordination with co-operatives could create more jobs.

Particularly if their focus was to only return their cost of doing business, rather than maximum profit.

Bernie Littlejohn

Chimney Valley

Williams Lake Tribune