Excessive salaries paid to native leaders

Many First Nations politicians are earning more than $317,000 annually (tax free) – the salary of Canada's prime minister.

What on Earth makes the federal NDP leader believe that we, the taxpayers, should stand idly by while First Nations leaders are robbing their communities blind?

The bill which he opposed does not even address the problem. It merely requires chiefs and councillors to disclose their salaries and benefits.

Just in case you missed it, 50 First Nations politicians are currently earning more than $317,000 annually (tax free) – the salary of our prime minister. The average native community consists of 1,142 members. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is, of course, the head of 35 million people and represents the second-largest country on the planet.

A total of 160 First Nations politicians earn more than $190,000, the annual salary of the premier of B.C.

In comparison, when the mayor of the Township of Langley was (erroneously) reported to have his salary increased from $105,000 to $121,000 by 2016 and his councillors were also getting their $41,000 annual salaries topped up, a local radio station had all kinds of people, most with their hair on fire, call in to discuss the matter.


Ziggy Eckardt


Surrey Now Leader