Federal budget is smoke and mirrors

Let's not forget that these goodies are made up of our money

Editor, The Times:

This pre-election budget, with its smoke and mirrors surplus, highlights so many things that are wrong with what our political world has become. ‘Slash and burn’ and my ‘way or the highway’ politics for 3 1/2 years, then just before an election the goodie bag is opened up to create a sense of indebtedness in voters.

Let’s not forget that these goodies are made up of our money, but groups that typically support Conservatives are benefiting the most. And they they have the audacity to spend $7.5 million of our money to advertise how appreciative we should be.

If these so-called gifts were truly based on what Conservatives believed was good for the country, then why weren’t they introduced over the past 10 years that they have been in power? It would be refreshing if when we voted, we knew that it would be the start of four years of reasoned and representative decision-making.

The business of government has become Walmart politics – a marketing game complete with pitch points and target audiences. The whole focus has become staying in power at all costs. Like many people, I am tired of getting played.

Steve Powrie, Liberal candidate





Clearwater Times