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Feedback from online readers of

FEEDBACK: On West Kelowna going after pot shops

Readers continue to chime in on West Kelowna's decision to try to close marijuana shops

Readers on the Kelowna Capital News Facebook page continue to respond to the City of West Kelowna’s decision to cancel the business licence of two marijuana dispensaries (Page A3).

Marilyn Stante:

I rely on the Healing Company for CBD which helps the inflammation in my back from debilitating degenerative disc disease. I have a prescription from my doctor who believes this helps and so do I. It’s either that or opioids. This is extremely disturbing for me and I know of many others in the same situation. Those of you who voted for this will not have my vote and I will encourage others to do the same.

Kelly Carter Holzhaus:

So let me get this straight: We are spending how much to save the lives of OD victims left, right and center, but those of us who pay taxes and require cannabis to stay alive can’t buy it without going to the same streets that the tainted drugs are being sold on? How smart does that sound?

Story: B.C. school trustees ask province not to release FSA results

A.L. Harrison:

The Fraser Institute is a propaganda arm of right wing interests who would abandon the public school system and have no place spreading their totally biased fiction regarding anything.


Kelowna Capital News