Feedback from online readers of

Feedback from online readers of

Feedback: Trump talk alive after Hodge column

Readers of Kelowna Capital News are weighing in on the Donald after recent column

Kelowna Capital News columnist and city councillor Charlie Hodge’s column on Donald Trump (The Donald not playing with a full deck) as well as the letter to the editor (Your columnist should not be attacking my President) had readers of and the Capital News Facebook page chatting.

Here are some of the responses.

Dayleen Van Ryswyk:

Hodge was way off base on his rant about President Trump. Not only were his comments more parroting of talking points from left-leaning media. There are many Canadians who support President Trump, contrary to your assertions.

Doni Hansen Steele:

Just wondering why people who are American and who love Trump so much, are living in Kelowna. It’s cold up here and people have the right to express their opinions. They can write about whoever they please. It seems that maybe the USA isn’t the paradise you profess it to be or you would be there, supporting your President.

Max Rae:

Why would you want to live with so many liberals in such a progressive country? Wouldn’t it be better if you were rewarded by the fruits of Trump’s benign achievements for America and Americans? (The letter-writer) shouldn’t confine himself to such an atmosphere where he feels compelled to speak out against fake news or thoughts. He should be back in America raising contributions for republicans and Trump.

Ralph Watkins

Trump is certainly much stronger than what Obama was. However, I don’t think either of them have that rare quality called leadership. Obama was obvious. People did stuff because they liked him and respected his office. Trump is loud, obnoxious, forceful, threatening but that’s not leadership either.

Kelowna Capital News