José Figueroa, shown with his daughter, Ruby, has been living inside a Walnut Grove church for eight months, to avoid being deported to El Salvador.

José Figueroa, shown with his daughter, Ruby, has been living inside a Walnut Grove church for eight months, to avoid being deported to El Salvador.

Finally, some common sense in José Figueroa’s court case

Editor: Finally, a federal court judge with the common sense and sufficient understanding of life to point out the stupidity, insensitivity and complete ignorance of international affairs shown by the CBSA immigration case worker who ordered Jose’ Figueroa deported in the first place.

Shame on the CBSA, which has officers still checking on Figueroa nearly every day to see that he hasn’t a place of sanctuary.

More shame on the CBSA staff that they carry on insisting that the FMLN is a terrorist organization while their employer (the Federal government) does not list it as such, and the FMLN is the current democratically elected government of El Salvador.

More shame on the CBSA delegate who ordered the deportation in the first place, who thinks and insists that Figueroa could carry on a satisfactory father/son relationship by Skype, and concludes that “the applicant’s wife will be able to remain in Canada and care for the children (by herself).”

What a blatant ignorance of reality. How sad that Figueroa actually needs to apply in court for an “official document” that says the FMLN does not appear on any Canadian list of terrorist groups.

Why is the CBSA not required instead to prove a positive (that FMLN is actually on a Canadian list of terrorist groups)?

How sad that some petty government people are allowed to exercise such foolish power, and make life hell for a family and their friends and supporters.

How sad it is that they will probably keep their jobs after all this is resolved.

Mardie Wolsey,


Langley Times