I hope that this column finds you someplace cozy and warm and well into keeping your New Years resolutions. Most of us by February have decided that the commitment is too great and perhaps going to the gym three times a week is more reasonable than everyday. As long as we strive to be ahead of where we were last year in our relationships, in our families and in our community, I would say we are succeeding.
As we celebrate Valentine’s Day and show appreciation for those we love, I urge you to reach out and make someone else’s day with a nice gesture or a simple smile. I hope that kindness is on your 2019 bucket list and you will take many opportunities to reach out to those less fortunate.
As I reflect on 2018 I have noticed some amazing people doing amazing things in our community and want to give a special shout out to the coaches, the teachers and the volunteers that work to make lives easier by showing up to guide growth in our young people. Also let us not forget all of the people who donate to causes that touch them and those who sit on non-profit boards. Many other volunteers help with Senior Soup Day, bingo, guitar lessons, and offer to share their skills. This year I aim to work at recognizing volunteers and help match those with time and energy to spare, with the tasks that mean so much to those receiving them.
There is lots going on for seniors this month starting with the daily activities at the seniors center that include art, crafts, cards, bridge, and knitting ,to name a few.
Soup day will be on February 22. On this day you may notice our volunteers have buttons that say Volunteer. They were made by youth in our community to recognize the people who volunteer to make soup day possible. On February 23 the Seniors Centre will host a Metis blanket exercise put on by three of our Golden Indigenous folks. Together we will prepare our lunch of traditional food and then learn about the history of Metis people in Canada. Also in February the seniors navigator and I will host a fun afternoon for the people who took training over the last few months learning about isolation and loneliness. We are ready to make some great matches to share stories and reduce isolation. The next “connecting” training will begin on February 25 and run for four consecutive Mondays so if you are interested please let us know. We have a list of approximately 70 people who are ready for a visit or to be a visitor. If you would like to join us or get more information, please call Mickey Balas 250-344-6866 or myself at 250-272-0291.
There is walking at the Rec Plex on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, so no need to get cold – just show up 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and get your laps in. The seniors are planning a special Irish stew dinner on March 17 to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. In March we will begin to share information on a monthly basis about how to stay healthy, how to improve your memory, air quality, transportation and what to do first when downsizing.
MLA Doug Clovechuck came to visit in January and told us he is still working to improve access to medical services and transportation. The Age Friendly Committee started a petition to ask decision makers to address these issues and to include the citizens in the process. Tool sheds are also a topic of discussion these days hoping to give people a place to fix/tinker things then they no longer have access to a shop of their own.
The Youth Centre Drop in is on Tuesdays, homework Thursdays, and movie night Friday. Staff also host Monday after school drop in at the Rec Plex 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Ambassador training will be provided, in 2019, free of charge, at the College of the Rockies through a partnership between the COTR, Tourism Golden, The Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce and the Community Development Coordinator.
The Early Childhood center is available 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. so get out and have some fun with your children at the center. It is a warm place to discover new toys and new friends. The Child Resource and Referral is a great place to get toys and books on loan so that you always have something new to play with in your home. Watch the facebook page for upcoming craft days and other events, www.facebook.com/GoldenEarlyYears