For those living in glass houses…

Campbell River reader, and NDP supporter, fires back in response to column by Gwyn Morgan

The column “NDP spending plan is frightening” in your May 8 edition by “retired businessman Gwyn Morgan” fails to reveal that Mr. Morgan was, in fact, former CEO of gas giant Encana and more importantly, Christy Clark’s top transition team advisor.

This is just another example of the lack of transparency, deception and secrecy in the BC Legislature under the Liberal government. You never quite get all the facts, just the ones they want you to know about.

And while the NDP “sleepwalks to victory” it should also be pointed out that during the NDP decade from 1991 to 2001 B.C. actually had a net gain of 126,000 people. According to Statistics Canada that is double the number of people who moved to B.C. during the last decade of the Liberal Government and more people are leaving right now.

Finally, the Liberal attack ads love to hold Adrian Dix out for voter flogging for the memo episode and for not paying Skytrain. I think politicans in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones and use millions of dollars perfecting their pitch. And as far as the glass house goes, don’t run red lights Premier Clark or drive drunk Mr. Campbell because unlike Dix, you both have put lives at risk, while in your car and while in the Premier’s office.

J. Riga, Campbell River

Editor’s note: Gwyn Morgan is the former chair of SNC Lavalin, and is a director on the boards of several other large corporations including EnCana Corporation. He has served as an advisor to Christy Clark.






































Campbell River Mirror