Formula predicts amount of litter

Dear editor,
I've come up with a few theories on the litter problem.

Dear editor,I’ve come up with a few theories on the litter problem.Do tourists really notice? Hopefully they are so enamoured with our extraordinary coastline and snow-capped peaks they don’t notice the garbage.I have found the amount of litter is proportionate to:A. Wealthy areas (no litter);B. Fast food areas (excessive litter);C. Rental properties (excessive garbage).In my experience in the Valley on and off since 1961, I have experienced a used Pamper at my favourite swimming hole on a hot summers day. Also a nasty cut from a shard of glass from broken glass in the river.Fortunately, most tubers drink beer or smoke pot and their cans are easier to deal with.Fortunately also, I own my own business and can no longer be fired for “political correctness” especially after living in Cumberland for 19 years.Brian Scott,Black Creek

Comox Valley Record