Four-way tie as Charlie Cup hits home stretch

Organizer David Lyon shares an update on the current Charlie Cup Checkers Championship

Dear editor,

I decided to share what I am trying for before the 32nd annual Charlie Cup Championship comes to an end during the close of Alert Bay June Sports.

Currently I have 332 student entries who have tried to get their school a point in the championship. At this time, there are four winners, which has created a four-school tie for first place. If the contest ends in a tie I will need to arrange for a playoff, meaning an elimination head-to-head playoff of the students who have won. I am thinking that would likely take place a day or two at the latest after Father’s Day, and I think that Seven Hills Golf Course would be the best place so everyone in the playoff would have a little travel, and so it isn’t right in a first-place school’s backyard.

My goal is to raise the new entries total to 400 or just over so I can plan for the special prizes or grand prizes for next year’s championship. If I get 400 or more I would like to make these prizes a rebuilt mountain bike with disk brakes on it, a good used iPad, and a good used iPod touch. The grand prizes for this current championship include a good used iPhone 4S on Bell Mobility, a Sony e-reader, 20gb Ipod Classic and a good used Iphone 3GS I can have unlocked on AT&T in case the second person to choose has their heart set on an Iphone.

I will be working on some school visits and community events I can attend before Father’s Day, including the June 11 track meet, the June 13 Fort Rupert School Softball Day, and June Sports at Alert Bay.

If anyone knows of additional events that would be suitable for me to setup for new entries could they please let me know. You can reach me by phone 250-230-2458 or email or by mail Charlie Cup Championship, Box 26, Sointula, B.C., V0N 3E0.

David Lyon



North Island Gazette