Geese aren’t the only problem

Re: Marilyn Derksen’s letter, Chilliwack Progress, July 19. I feel it important that no blame be attached to Festival of the Arts for fowl droppings on Harrison’s beach.

Re: Marilyn Derksen’s letter, Chilliwack Progress, July 19. I feel it important that no blame be attached to Festival of the Arts for fowl droppings on Harrison’s beach. Neither the Village nor the Festival sponsors are allowed to disturb the geese in any manner according to wildlife regulations. On the other hand, tourists contribute to the problem by feeding the geese. I have personally observed Harrison tourists bury soiled baby diapers in the sand, while waste bins are provided conveniently all along the beachfront. Geese are just one of the problems to plague our beaches. (I note that Cultus Lake is also experiencing problems related to geese.)

K.C. Curry


Chilliwack Progress