Get involved

Many of you will be aware the Golf Club is in a difficult situation.

Many of you will be aware the Golf Club is in a difficult situation.

Despite repeated assurances that everything was fine, it is now so bad the President is contemplating asking local governments and third party corporations to take over the management of the club.

To make matters worse, in May of this year the Board sanctioned an agreement that gave one of the corporation’s top four executives free golf and provided their entire summer staff with a 50 percent discount.

These executives and their staff pay less to golf than club members.  They pay less than the taxpayers of Golden and Area A who have contributed tax dollars and other community funds to the club.

Before rushing to embrace this so called “exit strategy” why not join a group of members who have a successful track record of generating profits, building sustainable businesses and managing both simple and complex business operations.

We’ve provided the Board with a viable action plan.

We know the road back to sustainability will be bumpy but we have plans to reduce unnecessary management and operating expenses, restore and increase membership levels and programs to increase guest green fees.

We believe the club can achieve sustainable growth and profits.

Our goals are:

Maintain and operate the club as community based, member owned and managed not-for-profit society

Restore the club’s finances and return it to sustainable revenue growth and profits

Increase membership levels and guest playing rounds

Raise funds for much needed infrastructure repairs and renovations

Respect members, restore member’s pride and member involvement

Restore  the welcoming and friendly “small town” atmosphere

We believe in an open, transparent and accountable governance model.  We believe a board should comply with the B.C. Society Act and the Bylaws of the club.  We believe in providing members with access to all club documents and accounting records in accordance with Section 37 of the B.C. Society Act.

We believe in providing members and the community at large with regular updates and full disclosure.

Many of the current Board have been involved with the club for many years and are hard working and conscientious members.

While we disagree with them on some key issues we recognize their level of commitment, their sense of service and the contributions they have made to the club.

However, changes are required if the club is to prosper and begin to grow again.

Golden has already lost its community ski hill, has lost and regained its junior hockey team and other community groups are facing similar challenges.

Two other leading community recreation organizations; the Nordic Club and the Cycling Club; need more support as they strive to develop world-class cross-country skiing and biking venues.

It’s time for individuals and businesses to take a stand and say we need these volunteer led, built and operated world class community attractions.  It’s time to get off the fence and get involved.   For too long, too many people have refused to get involved for fear of upsetting their friends, neighbours or potential customers.

If you want these community developed venues to grow and prosper you had better get involved otherwise you’re going to lose them.

Get involved and ask us how you can HELP OUR CLUBS.

Yours truly

Bob Munro


On behalf of the Friends of Golden Golf



Golden Star