Get vaccinated so our health care workers can get some vacation time: letter

I have been thinking how we can rev up our efforts to show our appreciation for our health care workers (in a way akin to banging our pots at 7 p.m. last Spring).


I have been thinking how we can rev up our efforts to show our appreciation for our health care workers (in a way akin to banging our pots at 7 p.m. last Spring).

As I watched Dr. Henry today it occurred to me that one incentive for people to get vaccinated and be prepared to stick with the provincial health restrictions for awhile yet is to promote the idea that only if our hospital numbers go way down, are health care workers going to get much vacation time this summer! They likely have had little or no time off in the last year and Lord knows, there must be many people who are absolutely exhausted!

I think this idea would resonate with our community and I would appreciate a story or comment in a future edition of the CR Mirror. Your paper is much appreciated!

Lois Flavelle

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror