Glenwood is attracting students

Editor: Enrolment is not declining at Glenwood Elementary.

The teachers, staff, parents and students still think about how close we came to losing our school, Glenwood Elementary, just over one year ago. Everyone in our community school has pulled together and is working hard to make sure we don’t have another close call again. Today there are 146 children attending, while Langley School District predicted that there would only be 133 enrolled.

Our little school has a capacity of 200 children. We are 73 per cent full and enrolment is looking good for next year.  We need to protect and preserve our country heritage and realize how important Glenwood is.

I know we still have a long way to go, but with future development starting soon, we are confident our little school will grow in numbers and the children will continue to thrive.

As for Glenwood academics, we were all proud of the six students who represented Glenwood at the Langley District Speech Festival. Eleven schools and 47 students participated in the event hosted by Peterson Road Elementary.

During the 2010-2011 year in Grade 8 alone, 72 per cent of former Glenwood students are on the effort or honour roll at the local high school. Thirteen per cent of the graduating class is on the honour or effort roll, with six per cent of those graduates former Glenwood students.  That is something to be proud of.

Our new community garden is well underway, thanks to one of our volunteer parents.  There are enough beds for each class to learn everything from planting seeds to harvesting the rewards.

Students are also looking forward to watching three chicken eggs hatch. Eggs and incubator were donated to the school by one of the parents so the children can have hands-on learning experience.

Glenwood Elementary also gives back. In September, the students were in the Terry Fox National School Run and in December Glenwood students and families collected over 30 “Coats for Kids” for distribution by the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau for families in need. “Jump Rope for Heart” was held April 20, with money raised for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

On May 27, Glenwood Elementary intermediate students will be participating in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life.

Many other experiences  have taken place over the year, and others are planned.

A lot of these great learning experiences were provided by Glenwood PAC fundraisers, parent fundraising and parent volunteer support

Liz Firth,


Langley Times