Government ad misleading

I recently heard a radio advertisement by the BC Liberal government.

I recently heard a radio advertisement by the BC Liberal government.

“If you want the new lowered HST vote No. The B.C. government will lower the HST from 12 per cent to 10 per cent. Or you can vote Yes and go back to paying the old GST and PST at 12 per cent.”

Last time I checked, omission of the facts is still a lie. Food was never taxed by PST and children’s school supplies had a PST tax exemption. How is it the HST is a better deal than the old tax system when it comes to families that have children to feed?

Every time the average family in B.C. spends $100 on food, they will be robbed $10 — $10 that still buys two gallons of milk, something that is an important factor to promote healthy development in children. The basic wage is $8.75, less than the dollar amount taxed on every $100. Inflation at its best.

“Yes, the B.C. government cares for children and their families” statement by Christy Clark.

The Liberal government has only added a tax to child poverty in our province. Shame!

Carrie-Ann Dambrowitz



Penticton Western News