Government is bullying Canadians, says Yahk resident

It was with great dismay we learned that MP David Wilks recanted his statement, and bowed to Stephen Harper’s Conservative party line...

To the Editor:

My partner and I wrote a thank you letter to our member of Parliament, David Wilks, at his withdrawing support for bill C-38. We were impressed with Wilks’s integrity, courage and his dedicated representation to his constituents.

It was with great dismay we learned that he had recanted his statement, and bowed to Stephen Harper’s Conservative party line on the dismantling of Canada’s democratic rights by limiting and refusing debate on the changing of 70 critical laws. Not only are Canadian scientists being muzzled on sharing their findings, but Canadian citizens are being prevented by changes to criminal law, to participate safely and freely in democracy. Schools are incorporating anti-bullying programs while Canada seems to have accepted corporate bullying tactics passively, by a corporate-agenda conservative government.

I hoped the Conservative backbenchers would stand up as 13 Canadian heroes to vote against the change of the proposed 70 laws in the Trojan horse bill C-38, so we Canadians could methodically examine and debate the proposed changes in an honorable and democratic process.

Susan Eyre


Creston Valley Advance