Government must not cross line

Government's role is to enforce laws and regulations, and not grant favours to a few businesses.

Editor: Capitalism — free enterprise —corruption.

No other economic system has ever produced such wealth for people as capitalism.

The term “free enterprise” has been battered lately. Enterprise is not free, in our governing system, it is really “taxed and regulated private enterprise.”

Corporations have been around for a long time, as has the structure of capitalism, financial markets, manufacturing, trade, construction, etc. Together, they form private enterprise, the engine that drives our economy.

Government’s role is to provide and enforce the laws, tax structure and regulatory framework for private enterprise to function, and to do this openly, honestly and at arm’s length.

When government crosses the line and gets in bed with, (colludes in the corporation’s board rooms), the system becomes corrupt and breaks down. Many of us believe that has happened, as the BC Liberals have sold us out for favours and quid pro quo donations.

Our Auditor General (who will soon be leaving) has become the most valued office in Victoria, because he is perceived as non-corruptible and we are relying on him to save us from our government.

It’s never been more apparent that we need to build a new centre-right political party, and the BC Conservatives have it underway.

Roland Seguin,



Langley Times