This letter is written as a thank-you to the people who helped me after an accident June 20th, 2018.
I broke my leg quite severely while cycling the beautiful Slocan Rail Trail. The help I received was quick and efficient.
Neighbours in the area were great, phoning for help and even cutting branches so the ambulance could get through. The excellent paramedics from Winlaw transported me to Nelson ER where the staff took good care of me until I was transferred to Trail for surgery.
Again the paramedics were professional and caring. The Trail hospital provided me with good care in the short time I was there. The nurses were great, especially Linda. Thanks to Dr Bitting for a good fix to a messed up lower leg. I am on the mend, but it will be a while until I am riding my bike!
In times when the health care system is so often criticized, I felt the people who assisted in my care should be recognized. Thank-you all very much.
Brenda Paiement
Tappen, BC