Great War began 100 years ago

Wendy Welk looks back at war that affected millions, in poetry.

Editor: One hundred years since…

King vs. Kaiser

Cousin vs. Cousin

We wished they would have been wiser


One hundred years since …

Empire vs. Empire

Kingdom vs. Kingdom

With consequences dire


One hundred years since …

Man vs. Man

Army vs. Army

It was never God’s plan


One hundred years since …

Nation vs. Nation

Bayonet vs. Gunner

Children lose their station


One hundred years since …

Son vs. Son

Father vs. Father

I wonder which side won


One hundred years since …

The Great War announced

Bodies splayed in trenches

Humanity denounced


We remember — the First World War, August, 1914 to November, 1918.


Wendy Welk,


Langley Times