Greatness seeds: giving and receiving

In light of recent world events, I find myself compassionately focused upon them,

In light of recent world events, I find myself compassionately focused upon them, yet I know that, everyday, conflict, loss and devastation occur somewhere on this planet.

My awareness of this depends, for the most part, upon what I hear, see and read. I also know that, each day all around the world, there is evidence that great love, beauty, peace, giving and receiving also continue to grow.

My awareness of this depends, for the most part, upon what I hear, see and read. Often I find that, when my heart is hurting for the world, I seek the solitude and comfort of nature. As I gaze out at the stillness of the newly frozen water with our snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, I know that even without whispering a sound, I am asking: “What more can I do?”

Recently, the answer that came to me was to give and receive more. If each of us, today, gave even just a bit more time, kindness, love, appreciation, respect, gratitude, grace, forgiveness, money, donations, compassion, friendship, connection, leadership and contribution to each other and to strangers, imagine the impact that would have on our world.

Giving seems to be something that comes easily for us so my question for you is: how good are you at receiving?

Nature teaches us the art and science of giving and receiving every day. Consider the hours, days, seasons and years gone by and it’s not hard to understand the gift and benefits of this cycle of reciprocity. When we give and receive more, we can do so with amazing grace and gratitude for all of it.   We are the stewards of this world and we have the opportunity to role model this every day.

Sow the unconditional seeds of giving and receiving — and encourage others to do the same. This week, may we all step into giving more to ourselves, our families,

our community and the world, and be more open and aware of receiving the good that people and the world wish to extend to us.

Elizabeth Shopland is a personal growth and development coach, a certified horticulturist, and the co-owner of Shopland Grow & Bloom. She can be reached at and 250-342-1124.

Invermere Valley Echo