Green program a waste

It seems like the contractor reduces volume by simply missing pick-ups and by doing so has generated cost savings in the fuel department.

How does one measure success? Is it by using metrics like volume of garbage before and after the widely acclaimed green program? Is it the savings in gas from reducing trash pick-ups from weekly to bi-weekly? Maybe its the pre-sorting of waste at point of pick-up?

In terms of achieving these goals, yes Surrey’s new waste and recycling program is seemingly a success. From a taxpayers’ point of view, the metrics of success include reliability, efficiency, and accountability.  Congratulations to city hall; it seems like the contractor reduces volume by simply missing pick-ups and by doing so has generated cost savings in the fuel department.

Offering recycling and garbage pickup bi-weekly and organics weekly should be reversed. Unsightly missed pick-up bins left waiting on key streets, bad odours and scattered garbage – our street has had about three on-time successful garbage pick-ups since the new program started. Now try to find someone accountable. There is no one to call by the time you get home, no one returns messages, and no one responds to email complaints.

By all measurable means, the go green program is a waste.


Frank Lee, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader