Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bear hug. Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to Submitting something to the Review does not guarantee that it will be published. We reserve the right to edit for length, spelling and grammar. We will not publish foul language, defamatory or mean spirited submissions. All submissions will be published anonymously unless author notes otherwise.
Noise pollution
Agreed that it is disturbing with all the car horns beeping when remote key lock is activated. The horn is supposed to be used to warn of a pending collision. Remember the days when you weren’t allowed to honk when in a hospital zone? Just ask your dealer to cancel the horn response on your key. You don’t have to give up the remote key lock.
Live stream
The Railway Museum’s new streaming Live Cam is the best thing in Revelstoke. Loved sharing a wave in real time with the grandkids in Chicago while standing at the train crossing with a moving train in the background. Not every grandmother can be so lucky. Gotta move to Revelstoke, folks.
Street sweeper
Thank you for cleaning up our block! Getting rid of the dust is making everything look so clean and welcoming.
Cheers to the people who are very understanding with my crazy dog. She is a rescue and we are working on her training. She loves other dogs but has recently developed problems when she is on a leash. She isn’t vicious, but yes, more work needs to be done as I am sure is the same with your dog.
Cheers to all of the wildflowers coming up right now, adding a much needed bit of colour to all the dusty brownness out there right now.
It’s that time of year where the shuffle is happening. Cheers to friends who are moving on to their next adventures. Keep in touch, keep sharing lots of photos! And cheers to the new people coming to town for the summer. Welcome to wonderful Revelstoke.
@RevelstokeRevueeditor@revelstoketimesreview.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.