Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bearhug Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to
Submitting something to the Review does not guarantee that it will be published. We reserve the right to edit for length, spelling and grammar. We will not publish foul language, defamatory or mean spirited submissions.
All submissions will be published anonymously unless the author notes otherwise.
Cheers to friends who get together and cook amazing meals for Thanksgiving. It really goes to show that friends are the family we choose. Hugs all around.
High fives to our dedicated team of volunteer fire fighters. Thank you for giving your time on a holiday to keep our community safe.
Thank you for existing. You have made the world a better place. If you were praised more than hoarded gold, the world would be a merrier place.
It. Is. Beautiful. Right. Now. My gosh. The streets of Revelstoke are painted red and gold. Thank you nature for making our world vibrant
I’m always hungry. Can it always be lunchtime? Eating is happiness.