Guest editorial

Shepard responds to Hallbauer's editorial response

I understand why Russell Hallbauer and all those who worked so hard in support of the mine application feel so frustrated and disappointed.

Please let me be clear, I did not ever think that you didn’t try hard enough.

On the contrary, I believe the time and effort invested in this project has been immense.

And while the ultimate objective of federal approval has not yet been achieved … a vital beachhead has been achieved and that is where all resources should be assembled in order to press on to success.

Beachhead; what beachhead, you may ask?

Please let me explain.

The strength of your second Taseko application backed by Cariboo public support prompted Prime Minister Stephen Harper to give a most interesting response when questioned about New Prosperity.

The prime minister recently attended a mining conference in Toronto. While there, he was questioned about New Prosperity.

He replied by saying that he turned down the application because it didn’t provide adequate protection for Fish Lake.

There lies the basis for the third application.

Address it to the prime minister and lead with a detailed, but clear, description of how Fish Lake would be protected by the New Prosperity project.

Mr. Hallbauer, I very much appreciate your response to my article because in it you explain that your plan to save Fish Lake would have come in a later step of the application process.

And that this plan would have proven that Fish Lake would be protected. They never gave you a chance to make your case.

Fine, then start by making your case to the citizens of British Columbia who wish to see responsible resource development proceed. Show them how your plan will provide more than adequate protection for Fish Lake.

If you were to do that, I’m sure a province-wide campaign could be launched that would get the attention of the prime minister.

Then submit your revised application which would high-light your protection plan for Fish Lake.

It can be done. British Columbia will back you.

Jim Shepard is the former CEO of Finning and Canfor and was the spokesperson for CC4BC. He can be reached at


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