Gun registry data not reliable for cops

Re: Gun registry is about people’s rights as well, Letters, Jan. 5.

To the Editor,

Re: Gun registry is about people’s rights as well, Letters, Jan. 5.

Klaus Nenn states that, “Knowing that there are weapons in the home of law-abiding citizens is an important aspect of law enforcement.”

Law-abiding owners of firearms always possess a PAL or an RPAL. If the homeowner has one of these, it’s pretty safe to assume that he or she also possesses firearms regardless of what a registry says.

However, police officers will always assume that there are weapons in the home.

What if the residents are not law-abiding citizens at all, but merely criminals who haven’t been caught yet?

A police officer who relies on an error-filled computer database is a statistic waiting to happen.

Mike Charters


Nanaimo News Bulletin