Habitat for Humanity location not acceptable

Habitat for Humanity location not acceptable

Re: Affordable housing - but at what cost? (Letters, July 25)

Re: Affordable housing – but at what cost? (Letters, July 25)

I am in agreement with Peter Harris’s comments. This is not a good site to build affordable housing.

We drive up and down Murray Road frequently and have difficulty passing between the trucks delivering goods to the pet store and pizza shop. There is no where for them to park and they try and get over as far as they can without blocking the pedestrian walking path. Across the street, there’s always vehicles parked there.

The town should place no parking signs on this part of Murray Road.

I happened to go up Murray Road the day after I received the notification from Habitat for Humanity and there was one car, usually there are three, and a delivery truck.

Why can’t the property, say behind the Sooke Fax, be utilized for this type of development? It’s an eyesore back there. This is a far safer location.

I am not against the idea of building for those in need, but this location is not acceptable.

Judith Brydon


Sooke News Mirror