Happy voices need to be heard


Responsible communications are the responsibility of all parties involved in communicating.

Humanity is at the beginning of an era of technological communicating that is making its mark on the world.  The ability to communicate in writing over the internet and social media is developing at such a rate that it must be respected.  It is something to be utilized, appreciated and seen for what it really is… a tool.

Some people use commentary websites, blogs, as places to share wonderful things, others to vent and push opinions. Many feel that writing in a public manner gives their messages credo and authenticates whatever they say. This is not the case and the society of our community suffers these bites and claws as necessary on the road to wherever we end up.  These are in fine print on the back of the price tag of what you get with “Freedom of Speech.”

Laws are such that we are obliged to follow them. Including Intellectual Property Law.  Websites that use logos that belong to the incorporated entity of the District of Sooke are breaking trademark laws.  To claim right of use of such things and make claims to Copyright “fair dealing” is an evasion of reality.  Copyright and trademarks are related, yet not the same.  I urge all citizens’ groups to be proper.

Let’s communicate openly and shine a bright light on things.  Let’s all be proper and not just demand it of others. Let us expect of each other positive reinforcement and help building worthy things in our beautiful District of Sooke. Not stop from being built!  Please write more letters of encouragement to our newspapers.

The happy voices need to be heard and they need to be heard asking for what they want and expect.


Myke Colbert



Sooke News Mirror