To the editor,
As I view the downtown harbour with numerous yachts with visitors from here, and the United States, I wonder how many more are unaware of the colour and variety of fun activities going on downtown. If they did, I can assure you – they would come.
With so many people here enjoying harbour and shoreline activity, as well as the downtown parades and park activities ongoing at weekends throughout the summer months, winter also for others, wouldn’t it be a beneficial idea if one or more good sponsors would support a series of webcams available to an website for all Nanaimo residents and visitors alike.
It would draw more Nanaimo residents to join in the pleasure they otherwise may miss, or be unaware of, then to come and enjoy. Vancouver residents would get a chance to see what was happening, arrange to come, or catch a fast ferry and be here.
Don’t miss out. Check out a Nanaimo live website, then come down and join in.
Alan Miller, Nanaimo
To the editor,
Re: Two cruise ships come calling, June 1.
First impressions count, and what impressions will our cruise ship patrons get while they wait for a bus to take them elsewhere?
As they look across the street to the military museum steps, there’s a rusting fence, weeds everywhere, garbage on the cliff above and the corner flower bed where the mine wall plaque is has a pathetic display of a few old tulips.
This area should look spectacular.
Come on, city fathers, take care of the details.
It doesn’t cost much to pretty up a small area that could have a big impact on how visitors view Nanaimo.
Helen Hayto, Nanaimo