Coun. Bob Bose packed up his desk at city hall last week after serving 28 of the past 33 years on Surrey council.

Coun. Bob Bose packed up his desk at city hall last week after serving 28 of the past 33 years on Surrey council.

Harmony, not democracy, lives here


Re: Bob Bose signs off after 28 years, Nov. 24.


Re: Bob Bose signs off after 28 years, Nov. 24.

Now that Bob Bose is gone from office, the City of Surrey has a council made up entirely of friends of the mayor, Dianne Watts.

Candidates put forward by the Surrey First slate are not nominated by members of a political party – nothing as messy as democracy here.

The mayor just appoints the people she likes.

Her political machine, powered with generous donations from developers, looks after that little formality of getting them elected.

No doubt all this creates great harmony at meetings of Surrey city council.

But who is going to hold madame mayor’s feet to the fire and see that she does her job of enforcing the bylaws of the city?  Her dear friends on the council? Good luck! Her pals in the media? Ditto.

It is a disaster for democracy.

Bill Piket, White Rock


Peace Arch News