Harper government creates new Canadian values

Canadians now have new social values, inspired by the Harper government...

To the Editor:

Canadians now have new social values, inspired by the Harper government.

Breaking the law is considered to be acceptable. (Even though the courts have ruled the action as illegal, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and the Harper government are proceeding to disband and seize the assets of the Canadian Wheat Board.)

Lying is considered to be “free expression”. (Conservative admitted to spreading false rumours about Irvin Cotlar in his Ontario riding.)

Bullying is considered to be a political tactic (as in the character assassination of Stéphane Dion and Michael Ignatieff).

Wow! What family values these Conservative are promoting! They seem to be ignoring the Bible teachings on honesty, respect and integrity.

Frank Orosz


Creston Valley Advance