Have you heard about the Barriere FireSmart tm Project?

To the Editor;

To the Editor;

I would like to tell your readers about the Barriere FireSmart ™ Project.

The Fire Mitigation Project is a Job Creation Project funded through the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction provided by the United Way Thompson Nicola Cariboo.

Following the guidelines set out by FireSmart ™ Canada, a crew of four, led by Sarah Dewey, Barriere supervisor, will conduct FireSmart ™ assessments and activities on residential properties on behalf of homeowners.

Activities include clearing debris, moving woodpiles and other combustibles, removing flammable vegetation such as tree needles and leaves (with the exception of tree removal), and pruning and thinning vegetation that present a fire hazard.

The crew will also provide additional FireSmart ™ recommendations to assist residents to be as prepared as possible in the event of a wildfire.

This project is directed specifically towards seniors and community members facing mobility and/or mental health barriers who have difficulty or are unable to complete the activities themselves. The service is free of charge.

For more information about Firesmarting, check www.firesmartcanada.ca/homeowners/getting-firesmart/

To inquire about the project, please contact me.

Sarah Dewey,

Fire Mitigation Project Supervisor (Barriere)



Barriere Star Journal