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Interesting that the CVRD Chairman and CAO are excluded from discussions on the 3 L Stotan Falls Development and that Comox Valley Taxpayers are covering the $10-20 thousand settlement. How much more is this issue going to cost Comox Valley taxpayers?

Many Happy Canada Days to all the people involved in coming to assist in our medical emergency at the Canada Day  Parade. Comox Valley Search and Rescue, the kind neighbour with the garden swing and water, family, friends, staff at St Joe’s, ambulance personnel, and the amazing staff at Royal Jubilee in Victoria. Our heartfelt thanks to you all. It proves that we must hold in high esteem Canada’s Health Care system and to be sure it is properly funded and staffed. What a wonderful country we have indeed!

“Thumbs Up” to Mount Washington for handing out over 8,000 “two for one” vouchers for the Mile High Scenic Chair Ride at the Canada Day Parade. They were well received and many people took advantage of the savings.

How is it that local fire departments are praising the value of the Comox Fire Training Centre, but this training centre is not good enough for Courtenay council. The same old “them “and “us” thinking .Training is not the issue for recruitment and retention of volunteers-it’s money! If fire fighter volunteers were paid more to train and be on standby, somewhat like full time firefighters are, there would be a full complement of well trained firefighters. The taxpayers’ money needs to go into attracting and retaining “volunteer” firefighters – not another training centre. This issue is  another example for the need a of review of Comox Valley governments and cost of services.

Many thanks to the young ladies working at Siefferts Farm Market. July 9 late morning, for their kindness to this elderly lady whose car wouldn’t start.

A big bouquet to the Town of Comox from the Comox Valley Lions Club who express their sincere appreciation for the new signage showing the location of our Lions Den at 1729 (rear) Comox Ave.

The Salvation Army sends a bus load of kids to Kids Camp each year and without the support of community minded folks such as Dave Smith of Comox Taxi it wouldn’t be possible. The Salvation Army’s community ministry director, family services co-ordinator and staff, volunteers, and the wonderful Comox Taxi team were there to assist in the early morning start off to camp on July 7.

lots of thanks to Dr. Thomlinson, Dr. Richardson, my family Doctor Dana Burry and all the nurses in the OR and on the surgical day care ward for removing my gallbladder. It was a great experience and I was lucky to have such wonderful people taking care of me. All of them friendly and upbeat.

To the guy in the jacked-up Ford F-150 (who probably needed a ladder to get into the driver’s seat): Have you not been watching the news? That cigarette you pitched out of your truck while cruising along Highway 19 could have easily started a fire. The grass along the road is timber dry, dude. Oh, and by the way… if you think tossing the butts out the window keeps the inside of the truck from smelling like cigarettes, it doesn’t. Keep your garbage in the truck. We don’t want it.

Thank you for letting us voice our joys and frustrations uncensored. Freedom of speech is alive and well in your newspaper. Besides, I get a chuckle and some hearty belly laughs from reading some comments. It is also most interesting and educational when I have to look in my dictionary for the meaning of seldom-used words. And to the complainers who complain about complainers; you are welcome unconditionally to the Club of Complainers.

To the CVRD: Could we please, please, please have adequate walking and cycling lanes on regional district roads, wide enough and paved for safe cycling and walking. Lazo Road, Anderton Road, Knight Road, all need improvements. How much longer do we have to wait? And please, stop wasting money on “share the road” signs. We need safe walking and cycling lanes, not signs.


Comox Valley Record