Helmet laws take away our choice

The bike helmet law is just another choice being taken away by our elected officials who answer to lawyers and insurance companies

The bike helmet law is just another choice being taken away by our elected officials who answer to lawyers and insurance companies.

When I was a child of the ‘70s growing up in Oak Bay, we rode our bikes everywhere from Willows Beach to Ogden Point. We had wipe outs and bumps and scrapes but to this day I have never known any one with a brain injury from a biking accident.

The chances of this actually occurring are slim and I smell massive fear mongering. What sort of noodle armed weaklings are we raising our children to be. If I hear one more unqualified person tell me something is “for my own safety”, I’m going to take them for a walk on the breakwater and lift them over the unnecessary railing until they regain their common sense.

Common sense is what keeps intelligent humans from being injured and those that don’t have it will learn from their mistakes or be weeded out.

Let children be children and learn to grow strong and let adults teach them common sense.

C. Scott Stofer

Central Saanich


Victoria News